Automatic Recirculation Valve

Automatic Recirculation Valve

An automatic recirculation valve (ARV) is a control valve that is used to protect centrifugal pumps from damage due to low flow conditions. It is a safety feature that helps to ensure that the minimum flow rate required by the pump is maintained at all times, even if the flow rate drops below a certain level. It is usually installed downstream of the pump discharge line and upstream of any control valves, filters, or other components.

The automatic recirculation valve automatically opens a recirculation line when the flow rate falls below a preset value, which allows a portion of the pump's discharge flow to be recirculated back to the suction side of the pump. This recirculation prevents overheating, cavitation, and other damage to the main pump.

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Branch: Mechanical Engineering

Subject: Fluid Mechanics

Topic: Types of valve

Subtopic: Automatic Recirculation Valve

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • 1. Identify the different components of the automatic recirculation valve.
  • 2. Explain the functions of each part of the automatic recirculation valve.
  • 3. Explain the working of the automatic recirculation valve and the role of its different components.
  • 4. Enlist the applications of automatic recirculation valve.

Automatic Recirculation Valve Working Model

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