Axial Piston Pump in VR

Axial Piston Pump

Axial piston pump 

An axial piston pump is a type of hydraulic pump that operates by using a set of pistons arranged in a circular pattern within a cylinder block. The pistons within the cylinder are fixed to a swashplate (also known as a cam or wobble plate). The swashplate is combined with a rotating shaft and as the shaft rotates, the angle of the swashplates alters, driving the pistons in and out of their cylinders.

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Axial Piston Pump Working Model

Branch: Mechanical Engineering

Subject: Fluid Mechanics

Topic: Types of Pump

Subtopic: Axial Piston Pump

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • 1. Identify and describe the role of various parts involved in the working of the axial piston pump.
  • 2. Describe the functions of the various parts of the axial piston pump.
  • 3. Explain the working of the axial piston pump.
  • 4. Understand the types of axial piston pump.
  • 5. Know about the material used in the axial piston pump.
  • 6. Enlist the various applications of the axial piston pump.

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