Step-Down Transformer in VR

Step-Down Transformer

Three-Phase Step Down Transformer 

Three-phase step down  transformers are commonly used in electrical power distribution systems to step down the voltage level of ac power. It is a constant frequency electrical device used to transfer electrical energy between the source and the load circuit.

The coil which is connected to the source circuit is known as primary coil or primary winding and the coil which is connected with the load circuit is known as the secondary coil or secondary winding. Normally, single-phase transformers operate on 50 or 60 Hz supply frequency.

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Step-Down Transformer Working Model

Branch: Electrical Engineering

Subject: Electrical Machines

Topic: Transformer

Subtopic: Step-Down Transformer

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • 1. Understand the application faradays laws of electromagnetic induction in a single- phase transformer.
  • 2. Analyze the design of different types of cores in the three-phase step down transformer.
  • 3. Formulate the emf equation for the input and output of the three-phase step down transformer.
  • 4. Locate its application in various industries such as power industry
  • 5. process industry
  • 6. single phase power supply at utility level etc.

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