Wave Trap
A wave trap or line trap is a particular kind of electrical device installed on either side of the switchyard of substations. The wave trap’s main function is to protect the switchyard or substation from the high-frequency signals generated in the communication transmission lines between the substation. Wave traps permit the normal power frequency currents but block the flow of unwanted carrier signals of high frequency into electrical circuits. The construction of wave traps includes reactive components such as capacitors and inductors that are connected in series with the transmission line in order to produce high impedance with the necessary frequency range.
This arrangement comfortably blocks all the high-frequency fault signals from passing through the electrical circuits. Wave traps find their applications in switchyards and other power systems that operate on high voltages. Overall, wave traps serve as a prominent tool that ensures the reliable operation of power systems and safeguards electronic equipment from unwanted high-frequency signals.
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Contact NowBranch: Electrical Engineering
Subject: Power System
Topic: Power Transmission
Subtopic: Wave Trap
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